
Monday, August 16, 2010

Yeah...made it through another weekend...somehow...

Somehow, the weekends are long...seemingly longer than the weeks..why is that?  The weeks fly by...I can never seem to get enough done.  But yet, the weekends, if you don't plan something, seems to drag by.  Oh well, guess it'll balance itself out, if I ever get enough done during the week.

Trying to keep up on my Examiner stories, if I can get 3 to 4 in a week, that'll be a good start, to have some examples of my work.  It doesn't exactly pay...well, not enough to say it does, anyway.  So it's really going to be just a place to show that I can somewhat write a complete thought, every now and then.

I'm going to try to keep up with this blog's really hard...who really wants to read the every day goings on of somebody else?  You'd have to really want to, for those of you who might want to, there ya away...:))

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