
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Signing up for more stories...

I can't imagine writing for 4 topics...but maybe...I might just get to...

I'm already writing for the Fresno Photography Examiner, but I just applied for the Fresno Ebay Examiner, maybe the Fresno Chihuahua Examiner, and maybe even, Fresno Couples Cooking Examiner...who makes up these titles???!!!???  Oh well...there were plenty more I could have picked, like the Fresno Dog Pictures Examiner! even types funny...there were too many funny ones, but I was looking for the Gardening title, but alas, it wasn't there.  There was a Fresno Camping Examiner, that'd be fun, if we were still camping...but it's been almost 2 years since we've been camping.  There's a new tent out in the garage...gathering dust...oh well...maybe later...

So we'll see if those other titles come through...that should be interesting...if they do, that is...:))

On a different note...I attached my bicycle camera mount today, and took pictures as Oso and I rode through the neighborhood...what a site, indeed!  It was fun...but his head was in the way most the time, so I'll have to probably go without him, if I want to see what the pictures would be like without a hairy head in's the video you can see what it was like...:)
Ok, so there's no was a sequence of pics, made into a time, I'll take a 'real' video...:)

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