
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best Way to Find Things Online

The amount of junk online is atrocious! How do you get through it?  Well, determine what you really are online to find, then search it with only the key words.  If you want to review something, simply use that word first.  You will almost always find someone, somewhere, who had something to say about something you're curious about.

If you want to buy something, search for it.  Using Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any search engine, will most definitely find it out there, somewhere.  If you have a product code, sometimes that will help, and sometimes, it will bring up zero results.  Experiment, and you will find it.

If you just want to read stuff online...oh my will never have time to sleep!  The abundance of online articles is limitless...and growing everyday.  Find a news service that you like, and subscribe to it.  You can have your browser load it every time you start it, by simply changing the default home page. 

The world is at your fingertips.  Now go out there and type your way to anywhere.

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