
Friday, August 20, 2010

I did it! 5 stories in 5 days...AND it's FRIDAY!!!

This story, Fresno's Kings Canyon National Park, has a slide show...1 page view for each of the 18 photos...sweet.  We'll see how the page views go now...hehehe...and they're not necessarily my best photos...but they do reflect what a days drive will be like.  It really is amazing, I so love it up there...well, just about any National Park will do, I'm sure.  The great outdoors, is truly great. 

Robin & Larry are driving up to Oregon...they left at 4am this morning...I hope they have a wonderful trip.  It's so far...they are so adventurous...we need to get out more, for sure.  They'll be gone till the 30th, man, that's a long time...I'll have to keep texting her...! :))

Ok, had to add this...made me smile...:))  Go hear Louie sing it...
Louie keeps us smilin'...'cause "When You're Smilin'"...

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