
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Review of past blog...


And there was a BIG THUMP when it crashed...

08/12/2010 computer didn't actually make a big thump...but it sure made ripples of effects for the past few weeks...dang...might as well had ~thumped~ real loud...I miss my was all I have to find stuff...and put it where I can use stuff...the '~re~' stuff is gettin' old, put stuff like this on hold...dang...will it ever settle...again??? :P a barn sour horse...


Well, I did get out today...and if you've already read the photo know...I got a new camera! I was supposed to run some other errands...but went to Boots Camera I totally forgot everything I was supposed to do! Including picking up Brandon! I'm so sorry man! I can't believe I grabbed the camera and ran home so fast...that's all I've done this's soooooo fun! Got to! :)

We made it through the weekend...


Well, we had Dan's company over on Saturday, and all went so was so fun having a ~social~bbq! :) We had the backyard all ready...purty much every woodchip in its place...we got the mist'rs up in the gazebo, which help to cool that area...the 'airplane' fan hardly had a chance with over 100°'s Saturday. So we stayed inside, which was nice to have enough areas for everybody to be able to sit at a table to eat.

Everything was so perfect...we even had outdoor music...the neighbors was having a DJ hosted party, so that was nice, they even brought over some dinner for us...we saved that for Monday night. Such great neighbors...:)

Until I decided to water...all was perfect. I forgot to turn off the last station, which we need to connect to a power box, so it will be automatic. Because I sure am not automatic! It flooded the path area, oh well. In this heat, it only took a couple of days to dry out. :)

So we'll have to decide who to invite over next weekend...a bbq every weekend in July...that's the plan, after all that hard work to have a great backyard...I'll keep ya's posted on who got to come! :)

and then...and then...


Yes, this 4th of July was so totally boring...except I slammed my camera down on the concrete...not intentionally...a new tripod deceived me...fell over when I wasn't looking...damn...I wanted a new camera...but not at this expense...damn...that's all I remember about the 4th of July...that I broke my camera...damn...

Something something something...


July is here...and we're just about done with the'll have to see the pics on my Facebook site...I'll try to get a few here, too...

I've been finally hanging pictures & paintings in the house...they've sat on the floor so long, I have to clean every one of it's taking a bit longer than I thought it should...deciding where stuff goes took the's coming out quite nice...I'll see about some pics for that too...

Otherwise...I can't seem to make time for my favorite healthy muffins...maybe today...if I can get away from the computer...haha...I haven't wrote an article this that should be first...haha...

Lazy days of summer...


Summer just started...and already it's so easy to be lazy...with the big bbq only a couple weeks away...we should have got a lot done today, instead...we did nothing...oh well...

We did manage to look into our 'upper' attic was interesting...blazing hot...and not for the faint...we need to figure out if the alarm system is hooked up, to what...oh well...maybe later...

We are going to go to our local Farmers Market in Sanger...that should be interesting...then on out to take some full moon maybe there'll be something more worth writing about...later...:)

Here I go...again...


Ok, let's see if it's a go this time...again, trying to keep up a web site...we shall see

Photo Blog

New Camera!!! :)))


I got my new camera today...after ~killing~ my last camera...accidently...but none the less, dead...I had to have something...and finally just did's a Pentax K-x...does more than I can do...that's for'll be fun learning a new trick...for sure...:)~



Ok, sure, we shoot the moon...and well...I guess I'm still figuring it I only posted one 'moon' shot...and you've all seen it before...the same 'ol moon we all look at...nothing interesting...oh well..:)

Full Moon Tonight


Ok, we went out last night, to try and ~shoot~the~moon~ and it didn't we'll try again, tonite, because tonight is the full moon...and we shall see how it goes...there will be pics...if it goes well...:)

I'm using The Photographers Ephemeris, which you can find at

See the full article on my 'Articles' page, with a link to the original posted article. Last night, it was ~spot~ on with the angle of the moon, it was exactly where it said it'd be. So tonite, is the ~Full Moon~ so maybe we'll get a shot at it...

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