
Friday, September 27, 2013

Before Environmentalists...

B.E.  Before Environmentalists. BE smart.

Nature used to take care of herself.  How else do we have trees that are 100'sq of years old?  'Environmentalists' are mental. Now we have fires that burn 1000's of acres. How un-environmental is that?  They seem to have lost the logical reason they love nature. Nature is, logically, the original 'environmentalist'. Listen to mother nature, she knows best.

Why don't we use big equipment to fight fires? Why still picks & shovels?

The problem started years ago. We started fighting fires in our new national parks. Now, decades later, we have more trees per sq ft than ever before in history. Too many trees close together, burns hotter & faster.  Before trees weren't so dense. By not letting fires burn, new trees have been able to grow, and the density fuels the fire.  We need to circumvent our attempts to preserve our forests, and fix the inadvertent side effect of caring environmentalists.

19,000 firefighters fighting 50 major fires in 10 western states. Cbs news. 8-22-13.
Dang. Think about it. How can this end good. Things need to change. Soon.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Company Information, Royalty Free Music Editor, Movie Soundtrack Software

Company Information, Royalty Free Music Editor, Movie Soundtrack Software:

'via Blog this'

They make you think SmartSound is 'FREE' with Adobe Premier Elements...well, the s/w to use it is, NOT the actual sounds...hmmm...logically it makes sense for THEM...not really 'FREE' for me, though...oh well...dang.