
Monday, November 19, 2012

Near Belmont & Fowler Avenue, Fresno California 93727


Please, if any one finds her, please let us know...she is a family pet, and somehow got out of the house, 
November 16-17, 2012

Contact me via eMail,
Send pics, or whatever you can, asap :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Make your own tea!

My oh my...was it ever so easy to make tea with fruit from the backyard! Drying these tea leaves & fruit peelings, & fruit pieces, took about 2 hours, and then a few minutes to steep, and I was drinking my own home made delicious tea! :)

Using a dehydrator, lay all your 'cuttings' and 'shavings' on a rack, and depending on the thickness, it will take about 2 hours.  Longer for whole fruit, like the raspberries, about 4-5 hours.  

If you don't have a dehydrator, use your toaster oven, or your oven, at the lowest setting your appliance has, and watch & check pieces until crunchy.  

Camellia bushes, also known as the tea plant, make the 'leaves' for the tea.  If you don't use leaves, it's considered more of an infusion of flavors, not really a brewed tea, with leaves.  Either way, it's delicious.

For the apple, pomegranate, orange & lemon peelings/shavings, I also scraped the inside to be sure to get all the white 'piffy' insides off to assure there is no bitterness after drying.  

For whole apple shavings, once the apple is peeled, I used a potato peeler to get thin strips of apple, and then laid them on the rack to dry.  Those only take about 2 hours as well.

The camellia leaves are the newest, tenderest leaves on the bush,  cut and dried on a rack for about 2 hours.

I will be trying the steam or boiling method next on the camellia leaves and will post that once I see how they turn out.  This is supposed to give more of a green tea, as drying the leaves outright gives more of a darker tea, considered black tea.

I crushed the dried fruit & leaves in a molcajete, but I think crushing them in your hand is better, just use your fingers as you crumble the tea in your infuser.

Use about a teaspoon of crushed bits for each cup of tea. (Crush the ingredients when you're ready to brew for maximum freshness! :) )

For the whole fruit, like the raspberries & apples, I wouldn't crush it at all, just break off how much 'flavor' you'd like in your tea.  :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

CrazyBean My Nutritarian Journey - Eat to Live!: Weekend Cooken!

CrazyBean My Nutritarian Journey - Eat to Live!: Weekend Cooken!: Oatmeal Cookies   I decided to start with a cookie today!  Don't ask :) My inspiration for the cookie came from Hubbie wanting oatmeal c...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 new story

iPhones are great cameras!

Summertime/vacation time, don’t forget your cell phone is a camera too! Those wonderful relaxing days will be remembered for years to come, if you take some pictures, and share with your friends and family.
Traveling with your iPhone, shooting out the window
full article:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

omg...almost 4 months since I've did that happen...oh the website surely won't be long now...
There'll be crafts,
cutting machine files, mostly Pazzles stuff,
scrapbooking type stuff,
photos & photography,
my oh~so loving Chihuahua, Oso will have his own page, of course...
there will probably be an 'update' page, just in case, somebody, somewhere, just might want to see out my ~window~...(via my webcam, I've yet to setup...;))
YAY...I finally made my own, very own, template...simple...yet clean, and to the point...;)
Come see me...Invisible Sand

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Invisible Sand . com

Working on getting the store setup on my site...since I've had it so long, seems I should at least use it...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let the year begin! :)
Started my InvisibleSand\ account
Started my InvisibleSand\ page